Instead of ladling up mugs of traditionally rich yuletide eggnog, try surprising your guests with this frothy mousse and a variety of toppings, such as...
Dried fruit and nuts may be the ingredients for traditional fruitcake, but here they shine in Allison Hedges' lusciously dense cookies. The secret is in...
Looking for a clever way to make use of leftover Halloween candy? Make these buttery bars that are scattered with chocolate chips, chopped peanut butter...
This timeless frosted vanilla cake is finished with lemon zest tossed in granulated sugar for a sweet, citrusy crunch. It's topped with the perfect lemon...
This classic chocolate mousse recipe is courtesy of Clare Vivier and her French journalist husband, Thierry. Lots of well-beaten egg whites make this chocolate...
Inspired by Mom's homemade cookies, these oatmeal-raisin covered cupcakes with crumbly crisp would be a tasty addition toapicnic on a sublimeweekend afternoon...
This allergen-free recipe for chocolate cupcakes is courtesy of Divvies Bakery founder Lori Sandler. Check the packaging every time you buy a familiar...
To create the lightest and fluffiest results for this popular and delectable French dessert, beat egg whites in a copper bowl. This recipe comes from Jody...
Piped buttercream-frosting blocks transform a chocolate-vanilla ice cream cake into an igloo that sweet marzipan penguins call home. Flakes of dried coconut...
Crisp-chewy baked meringues meet cool, creamy coconut sorbet in these blushing desserts. The light-as-air disks, tinted the palest shade of pink, are made...
For this recipe, you will need an accurate candy thermometer. You'll also need to cut three-inch square pieces of waxed paper or cellophane in which to...
These edible ribbons of candied carrots add a touch of whimsy to this stunning carrot layer cake. The secret to the 'spring' in their step is an everyday...
Don't have an ice cream maker? No worries -- we came up with a recipe that doesn't require one. (And of course, you can always use store-bought ice cream.)...
Our snowman is made of vanilla ice cream rolled in coconut. His eyes, mouth, and buttons are licorice candies, his carrot nose marzipan, and his hat a...
The secret behind this devilish cake is instant coffee powder, which enhances the rich chocolate flavor. Eat a bewitching slice of this cake by the light...
This savory "pie" is a ingenious way to make use of leftover Bolognese sauce. To save some time, you can skip making the biscuit topping in step 2; simply...
Infused with seeds scraped from the pod, this version of vanilla pudding has a rich, tempting flavor. A luscious match for tangy rhubarb-baked with more...
Use this recipe to make our Strawberry Shortcakes. Look for organic heavy cream. It whips, holds its shape, and tastes better than regular heavy cream...